Sponsor a Child

at NJC Home of Mercy

Every child deserves an opportunity to learn and grow, and your sponsorship can make this a reality for the children at NJC Home of Mercy. We currently have 79 children under our care who need sponsors to help them access education and improve their chances at a better future.

What Does Sponsorship Mean?

Sponsorship is more than just a donation; it’s a commitment to improving a child’s life. Your regular contributions will ensure that your sponsored child receives education, meals, healthcare, and support they need to grow and thrive.

Meet Our Children

Each of these beautiful children has a unique story and dream. Browse through their pictures to know their names.

How to Sponsor a Child

1- Choose a Child:

Look through the photos and choose a child you wish to sponsor.

2- Set Up Your Monthly Contribution:

Decide on a monthly amount that you’re comfortable with. Even small amounts can make a significant difference.

3- Make Your First Contribution:

Follow the instructions on our donation page to make your first monthly contribution. Don’t forget to mention the name of the child you’re sponsoring in the donation comment.

4- Follow Their Progress:

We will keep you updated on your sponsored child’s progress, their grades, health, and well-being.

Remember, by sponsoring a child, you’re not just supporting them; you’re investing in their future and giving them a chance at a better life.

Thank you for considering child sponsorship at NJC Home of Mercy. With your support, we can transform lives, one child at a time.